Brother PC-420 PRW Sewing MachineThe Brother PC-420 PRW and the PC-210 PRW sewing machines look enough alike to make you wonder how the two compare but the 420 costs about $100 more than the 210.

Does it have enough extra stitches and features to warrant the higher price?
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Best Sewing Machines for Denim

Jeans Sewing PatternThe best sewing machines for denim have a few things in common.  Knowing what those are in advance will help you zero in on the ideal choices for your type of projects.

One benefit of having your own sewing machine is being able to hem your own jeans but people do a lot more with this material.  It can be used for heavy duty work coveralls or for cool, chic handbags.  The type of sewing you intend to do with will help you find the right machine.
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Sarah Personalized Sewing Machine PresentHow about blending two great ideas for one neat present?  These personalized sewing machines for young girls and teens get a bit of customization for a really unique gift that your daughter, granddaughter or niece will treasure forever.

First, the machine. We’re talking real ones with solid performance – not toys.  Those cutesy toy models just don’t last. You give them a machine that breaks down in the first week and they’re probably never going to consider sewing again for years and years and that would be a shame.

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Singer 2263 Sewing Machine Review

Singer Simple 2263The Singer 2263 Simple sewing machine reminds me that nothing with a front-loading bobbin should ever be allowed to use the word “simple” in its name.

If you read the post I wrote about my run in with my mom’s old Viking machine, you’ll know that front-loading bobbins and I are not friends. They’re not impossible to use, they’re just not easy.

In fact, most people really like this machine except for one, repetitive issue – problems with the bobbin thread. Somehow, I’m not surprised.

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Janome Sew PreciseThe Janome Sew Precise sewing machine has several things going for it that make it an excellent choice regardless of your experience level.

It was recognized by Consumer Digest as a Best Buy. Plus, it’s built by one of the brands best known for precision stitching and reliable performance. Third, the selection of stitches covers all kinds of sewing projects.

Those who want automation without computerized features might be thrilled with the simplicity of this powerful machine.

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Metal or Plastic Parts in Sewing Machines

Old Metal Sewing Machine PosterAre you concerned about whether or not there are metal or plastic parts in the sewing machines on your shopping list?  We’ve all been warned by our mothers, our friends, or our sewing club circle that we should avoid plastic at all costs.

However, it’s really not as bad as one might think (she said even though she could envision her mother rolling her eyes and waving to heaven, “Have I taught her NOTHING??!!”)

In part, we’ve been programmed to believe that sewing machines made with plastic instead of metal are significantly inferior.

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Singer CE 150 Futura Review

Singer CE 150 FuturaThe Singer CE 150 Futura tries to deliver maximum functionality at a lower price. Did it miss the mark?

It is certainly aptly named – “Futura” is perfectly suited to the ergonomic placement of the control panel, the wide base, and the spacious work area.

For beginners, entry level combination sewing machines are a great way to get into machine embroidery.

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Sew Everything Workshop Cover

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned ordering some new sewing books including the Sew Everything Workshop.  All the books have arrived and I’ve been having some fun with them.  It’s time to share.

The bright, yellow cover had caught my attention quite some time ago but in person the book is absolutely irresistible.  Out of all of the new arrivals, this one has absorbed most of my time because it’s just plain fun.

Sew Everything Workshop was written by Diana Rupp.
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Janome Jem Gold 660 Review

Janome Jem Gold 660The Janome Jem Gold 660 is a ¾ size sewing machine – compact and portable but with complete functionality and a design layout that makes it feel full-sized.

This 12-lb. machine offers 8 stitches, including 2 stretch stitches and a built-in buttonhole.

Standard Janome quality and durability make this 3/4-size machine perfect for a first time sewist or as a travel machine for taking to classes.

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Sew Like the Project Runway Designers

Project RunwayDo you want to sew like the Project Runway designers? I’d never watched the show but my new sewing machine and I have been exploring different kinds of projects and although I have no aspirations of becoming a fashion designer I thought it might be cool to at least make my own clothes some day. Other than some training and practice, I wondered what tools I’d need to get the job done.

I’d written some reviews on Project Runway sewing machines like this one and although I was familiar with the show by name I had not actually watched an episode. I scanned through the guide on my TV, found it was coming on in a few days and scheduled it to record on my DVR.
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