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Singer Confidence 7469Q Sewing MachineQuilting was originally always done by hand, but with the invention of the sewing machine, women who were able to afford it started quilting by machine.

Quilting sewing machines for beginners are, of course, widely available today and allow the possibility of producing a quilt faster and with more accuracy.

Initially a quilting frame was attached to a sewing machine and slid along whilst holding the quilt taut. Later the design was altered so that the sewing machine moved instead of the frame.

Over the years technology has made it possible to design and make a quilt with an up-to-date machine that is of extremely high quality.

If you can use a sewing machine, then you can certainly quilt.

Quilting can be done on a home sewing machine, although this only allows for a small area of the quilt to be worked at a time. It’s also necessary to fold your work as you go to ensure it’s properly supported.

Many sewing machines now have extras such as a “walking foot”, which will move the top and bottom of the quilt along with the machine.

Learning to quilt need not be a daunting experience for a beginner. Quilting sewing machines certainly help to make the process easier, and learning how to use them is not that difficult.

If you already own a sewing machine look into the possibility of buying all the accessories you may need to get you going.

If, however, you’re looking to buy a quilting machine then look very carefully into all the different models available, and choose the one that will be most suitable for your particular purpose.

Quilting tables can be advantageous in that they support the fabric whilst sewing and prevent it from stretching.

If you’re uncertain about your ability to learn quilting whilst in your own home, why not join a quilting course and learn from an expert. Within a very short space of time you’ll be able to produce your own work, and at the same time make friends with other quilters.

To start with don’t be too ambitious. Complex patterns require a certain degree of skill, so it’s best to begin with a simple pattern which you can find online, in books or even make one of your own.

Once you’ve learned the basic steps of making a simple quilt, then you’ll be able to advance to a little more complex work. Remember, the machine is there to help you produce the work. Ensure you have all the right attachments and understand their function properly and you’ll be well on your way to producing a ‘masterpiece’.

Spend time looking around for the right machine for you. If price is an issue then go for a sturdy machine that will give you many years of service. Acquaint yourself with all the parts as you’ll need to keep it clean on a regular basis.

Quilting sewing machines for beginners are produced by many excellent manufacturers. Once you’ve decided on the right machine you’ll gain a lot of pleasure learning how to use it and finally producing a quilt to be envied.