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New Sewing Machine ProjectsThere’s still plenty of time left to do these five projects with a new sewing machine today even if you’ve never sewed before.

It’s Sunday, the most relaxing of days at our house. It’s the only day we can all sleep in, the day we’re all home in the morning, the day where exploring our hobbies and interests is expected and encouraged.

I spent a few minutes this morning lazily browsing through a magazine I’d purchased about a week ago but hadn’t had time to read.

In the background is the charming and delightful sound of my seven year old son singing and whistling to himself in the other room. I realized that at this time of the morning there was the whole, beautiful day laying before me. The perfect time to make a list and take advantage of the day.

As usual, my mind wandered to how I could leverage that into material for this site and it dawned on me, as most of my visitors are those who are shopping for a new sewing machine, that it’s the kind of day one could shop for their new machine, take it home, have it out of the box and up and running in time to actually complete a few projects even if they had no experience.

Of course, you’d have to have the right tools and supplies available but there’s no reason that with a full day in front of you and a brand new machine that you couldn’t do the following five projects:

  1. Trim your plain white, cloth napkins with colorful, decorative satin stitches. (Maybe add some red satin stitch hearts for a set of Valentine’s Day?)
  2. Reattach all of the buttons that fell off of your pants/sweaters/jackets throughout the fall and winter. (I have a total count of 5 buttons to re-attach! :O)
  3. Applique flower patches over the holes in your daughter’s jeans. (Well, I have all boys so flowers are out for me. However, I’ve got a whole pile of jeans that no longer fit them and one pair could be used to patch up the holes my seven year has suddenly developed at the knees of all the jeans that DO fit him.)
  4. Make a new set of pillow covers for a playroom from old T-shirts.
  5. Hem a pair of pants you’ve put off altering for far too long.

So, if you’re on your way to get a new sewing machine or if you just purchased one and have no idea how to get started, try a few simple projects like these on a relaxing Sunday – plus or minus the whistling of a bright, red haired seven year old.